I started my day off with a little of "The Boss." Is there anything I could possibly write about Born To Run that hasn't already been written? No, there isn't. The thing with Springsteen is that I really haven't always liked him. I'm not really sure why. I think my tastes have just grown and changed over the years. Essentially, I was kind of eased into Springsteen through Nebraska, which was a fantastic stripped-down album that feature little of the pop gloss of 80's Springsteen or overblown theatrics of 70's Springsteen. From there, I ended up liking Darkness on the Edge of Town, particularly the title track and "Adam Raised Cain." Then I started to listen to more of Born To Run and have now come to appreciate it. I still don't like Born in the USA though. Personal highlights on this one include the seminal title track, "Thunder Road" and "Jungleland."

The Wombats' A Guide To Love, Loss and Desperation is an imminently catchy album. It begins with a wonky acapella track then immediately afterward locks into a sweet dance punk rhythm that rarely lets up through the rest of the album. This one came as a complete surprise for me since I bought it on a whim with no preconceived notion as to what it was. The fact that it's released by Roadrunner here in the states is pretty misleading anyway given the label's metal history. But yea, this is one of those unexpected gems that come along every now and again.
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